Friday, May 14, 2010


WOOOOW after about 3-4 weeks working for census, im tired haha. Its annoying going door to door but even more annoying if the person isnt there and they'd have to call...I hate phones :(
But i have to do my job anyways...sigh. My sisters getting a new car soon so im gonna buy my drawing pad and a mic and im going to give her the rest of my money. Then im gonna go find me a better job :]
I CANT WAIT! I really want to work for ebgames or volunteer for viz...last i applied never got a reply. sigh =/
i should better my online portfolio for that. Actually im just gonna give them my site haha. WORK HARD SUSAN! is what i should say to myself. Im finally feeling like im getting somewhere now that im working and im gettin money and getting me a drawing tablet. With that i can better my online portfolio. That way i can just save my work online than scan all my paper drawing and retouch them in mangastudio or photoshop. I cant wait! But i also want a bike...well, i can earn more money afterwards and use that to get me a bike.
OH RIGHT! about census...lately i heard in the 2000 census there had been 13 deaths caused by accidents and 1 by a dog attack. This year, for the 2010, there has been 6 by far, (heres the link article and one enumerator was shot at but he escaped death it seemed?(im not sure if this really happened, friend told me who heard from her mother whose in LA) and there was another incident where an enumerator who had worked for about 2 weeks raped a disabled woman. Hes sent to jail now though. Heres an article on that:

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